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The Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel Theory, Design and Construction

Chongming Island, at the mouth of the Yangtze River and embraced by China’s East Sea, is China’s third largest
island. It is also an important strategic area for Shanghai’s sustainable development in the 21st century.At present,
a 25.5-kilometre long Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel and Bridge Project is under construction at the mouth of
the 10000-li Yangtze River.
Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel and Bridge Project has been an important strategic decision made by China’s

Central Party Committee and the State Council. In July 2004, Hu Jintao, CPC Secretary-General, came to Shang-
hai; he issued important instructions in terms of developing Chongming Island into a modern comprehensive

eco-island. On August 15th of the same year, China’s State Council approved this project, which began devel-
opment on December 28th. Currently the largest project in the world combining both bridge and tunnel, it is

intended to carry out the national strategic plan: to serve as a transportation artery connecting several areas of
China’s east coast region; thus a harmonious and integral development of our economic society. Furthermore,
it will accelerate the construction of Chongming Eco-Island, and to lay solid foundation for the three-island
integration, namely, Chongming, Changxing and Hengsha Islands.
As an essential part of this project, the Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel is currently one of the largest tunnel
projects in the world. With its magnificent scale, stylish design, and creative techniques in construction, it will
attract the attention of the international civil engineering world. Its completion will enhance the innovation and
development technology in long and large tunnel project design and construction; it will exert a tremendous and
far-reaching influence on the tunnel and underground engineering world.

Our scientific and technical workers, faced with the high demands of technology and difficulties of con-
struction, have made positive and significant efforts. They have turned project problems waiting to be solved

into theories, used various modern means to conduct scientific experiments, striving to prove such scientific

outcomes in practice. Hence, a further elevation of theories, and they ultimately put forward optimized solu-
tions to the problems. Such spirit in working and research methods do not only abide by the scientific view of

development, but also effectively promote better and quicker construction.
The Proceedings on ShanghaiYangtze River Tunnel Engineering collects more than forty high quality papers,
which cover the investigation, design, construction and operation of the project. It records and summarizes in
a way that enables us to see clearly how a series of unprecedented problems in the world history of tunnel
construction can be solved. The proceedings reveal the scientific and technological content of the construction
of Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel Project exposes the “pioneering” courage and wisdom of the builders to
challenge the world’s best. It adds color to the flourishing scientific and technical achievements of China’s tunnel
and underground engineering. Construction workers and engineers will acquire encouragement and instruction
from its reading.
In closing, allow me to express our lofty respect to those builders as well as the scientific and technical
workers in the Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel Project! Congratulations for the publication of The Proceedings
on Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel Engineering. And every good wish for the complete success of the 6th
International Symposium Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground (IS-Shanghai
2008), as well as a Workshop on the Technique of Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel.

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The Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel Theory, Design and Construction

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